Welcome to my Blog. I am still learning so I don't know how useful it will be but I welcome any and all comments.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Final essential

I have really enjoyed this course. I learned so many new things. I can do a lot more with my web page than I did before. That is awesome. I can't say that I actually had a favorite essential. I found each one useful in a different way. I enjoyed blogging but wish that more participants had blogged with each other. It is my hope to begin a blog page for my students. I did not know about skype and I think it is really cool. My students were able to skype with the 5th grade students at Riley. That was a really special thing. The students interacted with each other and thought it was cool.Other staff members are now wanting to learn to skype too. I use utube videos and have been doing it more since I took this class. I did not know about zamzar and I find that really useful. I also started storing sites on Delicious.

I really need to find time to explore each of the essentials further. I am the type of learner that needs to do things many times before it becomes ingrained in my learning. I hope to go back to each essential often over the next few weeks.

I cannot say enough good things about this course. The lessons were very well explained and having Jason and Carol to talk to using skype was helpful too. My staff now sees me as the expert in technology and are often asking for my help or advice. I don't have all the answers but I'm getting better at it. I hope everyone that particippated in this course got as much as I did. I think it would be neat to get together and actually talk about our experiences and or questions in person in the near future,

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you learned so much from the course. You have learned a lot and have gone back and Made that Connection by using these tools and concepts with your students and colleagues...how great is that!!! It's nice that by incorporating a couple of fairly simple tech tools in your classroom that your students have responded and been so excited. Then the other teachers see that it's possible to use these tools and are more willing to follow your example (with a little help from you.)

    We also want to thank you for being so willing to assist other teachers and share the things you are learning in the course with others in your building. That way they benefit also.

    We are planning a special professional development session on blogging...the information should be sent out soon...so stay tuned.

    I'm sure we will stay in touch!
