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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Essential #10

I have recently started using utube videos to enhance my instruction. My students read about the Soo Locks, but the book didn't really give the students a good idea of how it actually works and why. I went on utube one evening and typed in Soo Locks videos. I had to sort thru a few things. Then my oldest daughter said " type in utube", then when you get utube, type in Soo Locks. Wow, success. I found several good ( and not so good) videos to use. The next day I showed the best one to both of my social studies classes. They loved it.The video was only 5 minutes long, but well worth it. The video showed the actual raising of the boat in the locks coming from Lake Huron and going to Lake Superior. It is a little bit of a pain setting up the laptop and projector to use for only 5 minutes but it is something I plan on continuing to do. While showing the video I learned that I could maximize the video to the full screen. I never knew I could do that. See the 4th graders knows more than I do when it comes to technology!

I did not know about zamzar.com until today. I love the idea that I can save the video on my computer and not have to be on the internet. Not only that, but some videos get removed over time ( I just recently discovered that when I went looking for one that I had sent myself in a link). If I save it to my computer I will always have it even if it gets removed. I am concerned about downloading stuff to our school computers. I have downloaded pictures and documents. The computer seems slower than it did last year. It takes forever to delete something from email. I wonder if our computers are having problems because of all the downloads we are doing. If anyone has a similiar question or thought please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Your example is a perfect use of visuals in the classroom...when students can see the event or location, especially something like the Soo Locks that actually move..it means so much more to them to actually watch it, rather than read about how the locks work. And I love that you are willing and open to learning from youngsters...both your own children and the students...that's super and makes them feel like they are the teachers and helps make that connection...besides they want to make things work easier for you and the class, so are more than willing to share their knowledge...remember, this technology stuff is totally normal for them...like the phone or TV were for us.

    Regarding the downloads making the computer run slower...it shouldn't really make the computer run slower...if that continues, place a service call and IT can remote in a take a look to see if there is something wrong with your computer.

    As far as email...that's a totally different issue...and one that IT is working on improving. I also get very frustrated with the time it takes to delete and send email...I tell them all the time about it...hopefully by next school year we will have a much better solution for staff...so stay tuned.
