Welcome to my Blog. I am still learning so I don't know how useful it will be but I welcome any and all comments.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Essential 9

It seems like forever since I have commented on my blog. I have been busy reading different blogs for essential 9. I also have been trying different things out in my classroom. My class skyped with Jason S. class on Thursday. My class asked his class questions about their school. It was a real neat experience, however we showed up mostly in shadow so I'm not sure how much his class got from the experience but my students loved it! We skyped for a half an hour. My teaching partner came in while we were doing it and now she wants to do it too. I spent time on my lunch hour and recess breaks helping teachers post puzzles and word searches to their web pages and am currently collecting pictures from field day from various parents and teachers in order to make a slideshow for our gym teacher (in charge of winter field day) to post to her web site. I have also been working closely with my principal to find time to share all that I have learned in this class with our staff. All of these things have kept me busy so I feel I am falling behind in my quest to learn about technology. Today, I found a blog in the 100 best blogs list; geeky mommablog. She is great. Her class has a blog page. I can really see the benefit of doing the same. I have some reluctant writers that I feel would possibly write if I had a class blog too. I am unsure how to get it started though. Any ideas or thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. You are a really innovative teacher and a great support to your school! It's wonderful that others want to do what you are doing too! That's how it works best...one teacher at a time. When they can see how wonderful these tools are to help with teaching and learning...and the fact that technology is usually pretty easy to do...they want onboard...thanks for spreading the word!

    Blogging for students is very helpful..especially with reluctant writers. We are just beginning to work with a few teachers to get something going that is safe for kids. Will contact you directly to discuss. Thanks!

